A Labour Market observatory/ intelligence/ watchtower for the economy through provision of timely, relevant and reliable labour market information.
We serve as a Labour Market observatory/ intelligence/ watchtower for the economy through provision of timely, relevant and reliable labour market information.
These indicators are drawn from the analysis of job/Vacanicses advertisements that are posted on major newsparpers and online job portals in Kenya. The statics shown are for the current month. Click on the "Explore" option under each indicator to view periodic trends of the same.
In dynamic and constantly changing labour markets, identifying skills needs is a significant challenge. Imbalances in the labour market, reflected in difficulties businesses face in sourcing the skills they need, a high incidence of skills mismatches, and significant unemployment or underemployment, especially among youth, are observed in most countries, albeit in different forms and to different extents. Our goal is to be able to give elaborate skill projections in Kenya. click on the respective title of each focus area below to explore more on it.
Skills Supply Data Get insights on the skilled manpower joining the labour market. This includes information on; Graduates (outturns) from various Training Institutions, Skills Inventory and skilled manpower distribution in both the Public and Private Sectors. Enrollments trends in different training institutions. Training institutions distributions in Kenya.
Skills Demand Data Get insights on the skilled manpower joining the labour market. This includes information on; Skills in high demand based on advsertised vacancies/jobs by region, occupations and skill level, SkLabour Market Conditions and Trends. Job opportunity analysis The analysis is based on the Kenya National Occupational Classification Standards (KNOCS) categorization and coding.
Key Labour Market Trends Get insights on measures of key labour market variables providing signals on the trends in the labour market in Kenya. These indicators have been derived from the world bank Skills Towards Employment and Productivity (STEP) Analysis..